neglected photos
jadi, gw upload aja foto2 yg ga penting,
eh penting sih,
yeah, let's see...
(from the left, peeps)
eh penting sih,
yeah, let's see...
(from the left, peeps)

who: windy, winston, sartob, wina
where: GI
what: goofing off?

who: tete, wina, tata, windy, sartob, jeje
where: monash' toilet haha
what: preparing for outbound!

who: tata, sartob, windy, alvin
where: outbound ancol
what: ngerasain jd orang utan

who: windy, tete, jo, tata, sartob, abe, wina- back: alvin, bobby, theo, jeni
what: resting :p

who: windy, sartob, ivain, tata, alvin, tete- in front: theo, wina
what: preparing stuffs- get ready :)

who: winston, jo, jeni si guling, sartob, windy, wina
where: monash
what: photobooth

who: winston, tete, jo, sartob, jeni
who: jeje, nadia, windy, sartob
where: monash's toilet
what: class break

who: sartob only (ngapain jg?)
captured by: windy
where: Q billiard, EX
what: menurut lo?
RAFFLES (alumni)

who: eliza, chibi, sartob, neea
where: pim
what: japan reunion :D

who: neea, sartob
what: showing off neea's new lomo hoho

who: sartob, jalu, eliza
where: pim, starbucks
what: tiba2 ketemu jalu ya foto dong!

who: sartob, sara, cherryn
where: sara's house
what: picking up sara, mw bergila bertiga :) i drove loh haha (pamer)

who: tara, sara, sartob, jason
where: iyeng's housy
what: lio's seventeen

who: usual suspects :p
what: hm, we love to smile, ritey?

who: alice, arias, sara, sartob, back- andreas, vidon
where: gki pi
what: baksos katarak!
wuoo, i feel like posting thousand pics here, but my thumb numb and i'm sleepy hoho.
ooh anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR, im not too late huh?
cheers and loves,