whoa, kyknya pasaran bgt ya ngomongin glee.
n rada telat buat nyadar how amazing this tv show was
beberapa hari yang lalu, gw minjem dvd glee 1 complete season sm sara, cuma ternyata waiting list nya penuh bgt.
eh ternyata, tmn monash gw, tete, bs pinjemin ke gue! and i was damn excited, ga sabar mau nonton :p
pertamanya sih gue kayak
ceritanya rada complicated tp ga seribet film2 anak gaul yg cuma nonjolin lust n sex, such as, gossip girl, 90210, etc.
glee was orginally cool. trus musical nya oke abis, sorry tp hsm kalah deh :p ... hmm *berpikir* ... yah, sama deh lah :p
well, if you like to see finn n rachel being together in the real life, click here to see their lovely pictures :)to be honest, i prefer seeing rachel with puck
but, the situation is a bit complicated n hard.
however, buat yg mau ngeliat puckleberry just click here
some random pics:

beberapa hari yang lalu, gw minjem dvd glee 1 complete season sm sara, cuma ternyata waiting list nya penuh bgt.
eh ternyata, tmn monash gw, tete, bs pinjemin ke gue! and i was damn excited, ga sabar mau nonton :p
pertamanya sih gue kayak
"halah, apa sih glee? pasaran abis. males deh, ntr cuma dikira ngikutin mode"tp I WAS WRONG! glee deserves my four thumbs up. oh, well, i would give all my 20 fingers for this, because it was literally awesome!
ceritanya rada complicated tp ga seribet film2 anak gaul yg cuma nonjolin lust n sex, such as, gossip girl, 90210, etc.
glee was orginally cool. trus musical nya oke abis, sorry tp hsm kalah deh :p ... hmm *berpikir* ... yah, sama deh lah :p
well, if you like to see finn n rachel being together in the real life, click here to see their lovely pictures :)to be honest, i prefer seeing rachel with puck
but, the situation is a bit complicated n hard.
however, buat yg mau ngeliat puckleberry just click here
some random pics:
