i want my long weekend!
yes i want my long weekend desperately!
gila, harusnya gue tuh sekarang lagi leyeh2, tidur2an, blogwalking, nonton dvd, EH TAPI! i have marketing exam tomorrow. and it's final.
however, hari gue gak seburuk itu kok. gue hari ini KETEMU ICHA DAN ICHI! they're like extremely skinny and unexpectedly very -very- very friendly. mukanya rada strong gt kn soalnya, ternyata super baik :) well, surely don't judge a book by its cover ya boo :p
today's photoshoot was a blast. trus i met a lot of new friends (and long lost friend- tessa!) trus ngobrol n main kartu babi kyk org gila. pokoknya super seru deh hahaha.
i'm gonna tell you more and post the pics very soon, so, stay tune bitches!
-gtg studying *huh*