the art of sydney

random "arty" pictures i took from sydney
if you're tired with reading, rejuvenate your eyes with these pictures ;)

booty attack! mine or spiderman's sexier?

before (the handsome) 

after (the beast)

see, mom? hm!



like your blog - nice pics sweety :-) do you want to follow each other?
:-* DK
Anonymous said…
Lovely photographs.
looks like you're having a great time.
can't wait for your next post, dear ♥
Unknown said…
I enjoy them somuch dear :)
I prefer picture than words , great idea !

Stephanie said…
I love these shots! The art is so interesting!
Isa Machado said…
Lovely pictures! Thank you for your comment!
I am following you, hope you follow back! ;)
dinda belle said…
Cool place .. Thanks for stopping by anyway, it must be so good of livin in melbourne. Take care you there :)
mualliffachrozi said…
woww wowww...fotonya kereeen2 banget...emmm makasih ya untuk comment kamu di blog aku,heheee,udah mau nyempetin waktu jalan2 ke blog aku, berharap kalau kamu punya waktu luang lagi kamu mau followback blog aku yaaaa,
sukses terus ya dalam menyajikan foto2 yang keren2:))
mualliffachrozi said…
dannn aku sdh follow blog kamu loh:))
Livia Pangdoko said…
such amazing photos <3333

Bernadeth G. said…
Love everything! :)

Visit my blog? xx Miss Beatrix (
Angela Jessyana said…
what a nice post! I love the pictures and your outfit :D and the spiderman is so cute haha
Ariyani Sukma said…
you sexier than spiderman for sure!! hehehe
love your pants so much and your sun glasses too!! nice picture !!!
lovely photos. seems like you're living a very good life :)
hv a nice weekend!
Brooke xo said…
your butt is sexier hahaha

I love that Aboriginal art piece, amazing!
Anonymous said…
Whoa I wished I were there! I really love to visit that kind of exhibition <3

crunchy cheese me
last photo!!! amazing idea!

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