pictures uploaded

seneng seneng seneng gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.................
wohoooooooo, akhirnya internet gue kembali,
komputer gue kembali
niat ngetik gue juga kembali hahaha

udh mayan lama ya boo gue ga nulis haha.
i miss my blog so much :(

sooo, what was i doing recently?

hmm... nothing important actually
hahaha. tapi, i have loads of pics to show you :)
let me share it one by one


ms adel, tara, sartob, belinda, gaby

with my super bff since sec1 (i looooveee you sar)

gaby, sartob, belinda, cherryn

mr big guy :p

im gonna miss you ver!

alver n i sang you've got a friend
technically, semuanya nyanyi, but we got special parts (hihi)
well, pas baca lyricnya lagi gue jadi sedih

you just call out my name
and you know wherever i am

i'll come running to see you again

winter spring summer or fall

all you've got to do is call

and i'll be there yeah,yeah,yeah

you've got a friend

yaah, kayaknya lucu deh kalo inget masa2 dulu,
dan krn pertemanan kita satu angkatan kuat
ya jadinya, lucu aja haha. (ga ada kata lain yg bisa mendescribe perasaan gue :p)

yeah, aint it good to know you've got a friend


my prom date- sara :p

liu bin, sartob, kwon byung hyun

"boys night out"

me n gaby (gorgeous dress, hair-do, shoes, make up n eveything! i love you gab!) sorry lupa di rotate :(

the ladies: beb, tob, stacey n pricyl

my lovely mama; ms mercy

with mr. prom king



iyeng ndut (muka lo oke bgt, spen)

wynona- top model! cihuuy (sorry, lupa di rotate lg :p)

anky :)

besties- tara, cherryn, sara

jk, sartob, thalia, fanya

with the boys

and... me :)

fun, yet happy but sad in the same time.
oddly, my tears don't fall even only a drop
kenapa ya? padahal gue termasuk org yg sensitive
malahan tara yang nangis (yg cukup ngebuat gue kaget)
sedih sih kita mau pisah, tp...
kt msh bisa bareng kan?
hehehe :)

anyway, acara promnya, garing i must say :(
bener2 cuma nyanyi tok tok tok.
band nya sih oke bgt (yg waktu itu jg pernah perform di year end party 200X -lupa hehe)
tapi, yg paling paling paling gue kecewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
video yg udh dibikin susah2 sm gue n iyeng (iyeng doang sih lbh tepatnya hehe)
malah diganti sama dj nya kashira
bukannya dj nya jelek looh! (go kashira! go asa! hehe)
tp, gak cocok sm video nya yg hrsnya ditemani dengan lagu mellow

well, tapi, gue puas bgt dgn session foto2nya hahaha
kamera gue mpe teler pas plg dr prom :p

anyway, another entertainments yg bkin gw (almost) ngakak
1. geng "adek" pada perform (tp gak semua sih) - i must be proud of my little "sister" thalia for giving her best on playing her drum. yeah sister, you "rock"! no offense :p
2. geng nya jc1 jg pada perform - yg plg catchy itu, pas andrada nyanyi hahaha.
can't say a word :p to be honest, it's not bad, but not good either...

and, right the next morning (after prom) i had this pretty cool wedding,
it's ka tania's, gue n steph jadi penerima tamu pas acara adatnya, so:


sartob, aju yoan, aju fani (aju=semacam panggilan kk di batak, agak susah dijelaskan hehe )

penjaga tamu yg diteror sama ibu2 batak jeger yg terus2an tanya "mana souvenir nya? mana? mana? kok belum datang2?" omg, kipas doang buuuuu...

nanguda melda (nanguda= tante) n mama hahaha

stephanie, sartob, mama :p
oh Lord, i look so chinese! creepy eyes argh

hahaha, pokoknya gatau kenapa gue ngerasa hari ini... LUCU BGT...
yah, inti dari hr ini adalah...
acara adat batak itu pathetic, ganas2, n pelit boo haha
apalagi yg minta souvenir terus2an
astaga, ketauan kikir nya :p
(bukannya ngejek kalangan batak loh, oh hey, gue jg orang batak!-tp yg modern punya haha)

so, what's next?
i got more photos coming up,
tapi, gue udah ngantuk, jadi nyusul aja ya bsk :)
n what's tomorrow's talk?


oh god, i can't barely wait!

*fyi, i'm sooo into asian guys now
why? next post, pls :p



sartob said…
yes i look so "batak" here, joshua!
thx for the comment,though :p

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