reuni :)
before catching up my reunion story,
let me show you some pics from ka tania's wed (resepsinya tapi)
tp, i really heart his funky hairstyle and
decided to take a pic of him :)
isn't he lovely?
decided to take a pic of him :)
isn't he lovely?
well, kalo lo perhatiin,
bedanya jauh bgt ya sama yg adat punya hahaha.
lebih kliatan high class hehe.
so, let's get back to the topic, ppl
so, here's the pics
see and enjoy :p
with the boys, hoola!
owen, edo, edrea, s**, dhea
(don't get confused, s** means sartob)
kevin c. with me n dhea fooling around with those "glow in the dark" bracelets
hanzi= ooonzziiii
with mitzeelll, i forgot how to spell your name, so sorry :(
with super sheila, ms. spore
big family :)
that's the end of the slide show, and now
mari kuceritakan kisah reuni ku :)
hm, awalnya gw, dhea, n edrea (we need a spotlight! :p) hrs menyapu n mengepel ruangan,
dimana, lantainya, kotor bgt! parah! n sampah dimana2!
start from tissue, sampe bungkus taro -.-
tp, perasaan capek yg kita rasain ga kerasa berat krn kt tanggung bareng2
well, corry, edo, caroline, etc did help us too kok,
and in just a blink, *cling -pake sound effect ceritanya
yg tdnya gudang, jd bs dipake bwt tempat reunian!
canggih ga tuh?
trs, acaranya?
yah, bs dibilang, jauh dr rencana.
gamesnya oke sih bs dibilang jalan
makan2nya, yah okelah...
trs, kt jg ada pesan2 n kesan2 dr guru yg bs dibilang nostalgic
trs foto session which i really love <3>
trs liat foto2 lama yg tdnya gak sukses gara2 infocus eek.
trs, quiz yg ... yah okelah
n trakhir plg garing tp seru, jurit malem
kt bagiin lilin trs bagi ke dlm kelompok
trs pisah deh agak ngaco emang,
n kt teriaknya pada heboh
tp, heey, seru!
n we just realized that, there was a meeting going on!
oh shit
trs, krn makananya kelebihan gw, dhea, tj
bagiin bbrp sisanya ke ank2 jalanan di sekitar deplu,
while olin brought the rest trs dibagiin jg di sekitar rmhnya
n, dhea sleepover di rmh gue! yippei!
gatau knp, but i felt so damn happeeyyy!!!!!!!
*yah pokoknya yg ga dtg NYESEL! suer deh.
makanya, jgn suka jaim2 n sok males2an
-dedicated to j****, e***, r** b***
we've blacklisted you ppl :(
extra snapshots:
rapat terakhir reuni
this is pretty random : my dad
(merasa bersalah, ga pernah pasang foto beliau :( - tp sekali pasang, pilih yg aib! hihi )
(oiya, this is for you cla! i knw you like him so much, don't u?
and oh, pls stop calling him ganteng, coz it really freaks me out!)
and the braid my mbak made :p
i need to keep this short,
krn msh ada crita2 lain yg i must/need/have to tell you,
so, good bye for now!
bedanya jauh bgt ya sama yg adat punya hahaha.
lebih kliatan high class hehe.
so, let's get back to the topic, ppl
so, here's the pics
see and enjoy :p
(don't get confused, s** means sartob)
that's the end of the slide show, and now
mari kuceritakan kisah reuni ku :)
hm, awalnya gw, dhea, n edrea (we need a spotlight! :p) hrs menyapu n mengepel ruangan,
dimana, lantainya, kotor bgt! parah! n sampah dimana2!
start from tissue, sampe bungkus taro -.-
tp, perasaan capek yg kita rasain ga kerasa berat krn kt tanggung bareng2
well, corry, edo, caroline, etc did help us too kok,
and in just a blink, *cling -pake sound effect ceritanya
yg tdnya gudang, jd bs dipake bwt tempat reunian!
canggih ga tuh?
trs, acaranya?
yah, bs dibilang, jauh dr rencana.
gamesnya oke sih bs dibilang jalan
makan2nya, yah okelah...
trs, kt jg ada pesan2 n kesan2 dr guru yg bs dibilang nostalgic
trs foto session which i really love <3>
trs liat foto2 lama yg tdnya gak sukses gara2 infocus eek.
trs, quiz yg ... yah okelah
n trakhir plg garing tp seru, jurit malem
kt bagiin lilin trs bagi ke dlm kelompok
trs pisah deh agak ngaco emang,
n kt teriaknya pada heboh
tp, heey, seru!
n we just realized that, there was a meeting going on!
oh shit
trs, krn makananya kelebihan gw, dhea, tj
bagiin bbrp sisanya ke ank2 jalanan di sekitar deplu,
while olin brought the rest trs dibagiin jg di sekitar rmhnya
n, dhea sleepover di rmh gue! yippei!
gatau knp, but i felt so damn happeeyyy!!!!!!!
*yah pokoknya yg ga dtg NYESEL! suer deh.
makanya, jgn suka jaim2 n sok males2an
-dedicated to j****, e***, r** b***
we've blacklisted you ppl :(
extra snapshots:
(merasa bersalah, ga pernah pasang foto beliau :( - tp sekali pasang, pilih yg aib! hihi )
(oiya, this is for you cla! i knw you like him so much, don't u?
and oh, pls stop calling him ganteng, coz it really freaks me out!)
i need to keep this short,
krn msh ada crita2 lain yg i must/need/have to tell you,
so, good bye for now!