under renovation
im planning to change my layout to be more ... mature
hahaha, pokoknya jadi lebih... minimalis mungkin?
template gw yg dulu was kinda childish, so i decided to make my own though
tp, krn masih blm tau cara ganti2nya, n msh bnyk blajar lwt google,
beribu-ribu maaf kalo tiba2 pas lo buka blog gw
*&^3ds?2!~!2)_==_=+|\\_\/.,>,2.,esq1!^? j!Y~
jadi, mohon di maklumi, krn saya msh pemula >.<
well, if you have any advices, pls tell me so
thanks a lottttttttt
hahaha, pokoknya jadi lebih... minimalis mungkin?
template gw yg dulu was kinda childish, so i decided to make my own though
tp, krn masih blm tau cara ganti2nya, n msh bnyk blajar lwt google,
beribu-ribu maaf kalo tiba2 pas lo buka blog gw
*&^3ds?2!~!2)_==_=+|\\_\/.,>,2.,esq1!^? j!Y~
jadi, mohon di maklumi, krn saya msh pemula >.<
well, if you have any advices, pls tell me so
thanks a lottttttttt