
another boring day, and i must admit that i miss college days.
well, i've still got 27 days of holiday and technically don't know what should i do.
i really wanna meet up my old friends and catch things up, but, they're kinda busy, so we need to arrange some time.
and my raffles' friends are mostly leaving to singapore for their uni :'( uuu~ gonna miss them a lot!
what about you guys?
what are you gonna do on this holiday?
oh anyway, wanna meet up with fellow bloggers?
that would be fun, yea?
contact me anytime, love.
i'll talk to kak nitya and we'll arrange everything, righty kak? :p

aPapuN GayA-nYa biSa dipaKe tuuHh SYaL daRi COTtoN iNK..
VisiT Me:
and your outfit,i like girl.^_^
wish u guys can manage well for the blogger meetup! :)
**thanks for stop and comment on my blog..
I will post about this as soon as possible.
Strawberry Giggles
shatirah: thanks a lot, dear. oh, sure! you wanna join?
nitya: alright, i'll do some blogwalking and invite them :)
i've linked u back, dear .
keep update,
cute outfit!
with LOVE
You're lucky that you have a long holiday, I have to study extremely hard for my final exam..
Shopping is the best for killing boredom.. =)
I hv checked her blog out, will u inform me for more?
PS May I link u? Feel free to check my latest post ;)
Flickering Moonlight
And a blogger meet up always sounded fun to me, but I have a feeling we're a tad to far a part geographically for that to happen!
tiffany: aw thanks to you too :D
inge: thanks a lot inge :) and good luck for your exam too! yeah agree, i love to shop too
lia: thanks lia :) haha, my name is kinda weird, eh? :p it's the short for sara tobing actually. oh alright, i will update it asap, dear. just stay tuned and give your contact number to nitya :) ooh sure, thanks anyway, i'll link you back :D
michelle: thanks chel :D
edwina: alright, will do :) yeah we are, we're not really sure yet, kayaknya sih SATURDAY, 26th june, tp kt mgkn ganti lg krn mau nyocokin jadwalnya kak diana rikasari jg hehe :) so, are you joining?
s.elisabeth: aaw thanks a lot dear. oh well, yeah, i hope you can join the blogger meet up, but i understand, you must live waaaay apart from me, eh? where do you live exactly?
btw,nice outfit and love the
i love your outfit. nice piece of cotton ink btw :)
re: emang kapan meetupnya? hehe
thx for stepping by
yeah i did
i sent her an email.and she already sent me a message
so now,i'm just waiting for further information&updates
kasih tau ya kesimpulannya gmn nnt:)
follow balik aku:)
And I love how your shirt matches your glasses. Don't know if it was intended, but it's ADORABLE.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
2 more days to enter my We Love Colors tights giveaway
Sorry before :(
cotton ink rocks!! <3
thanks for your comment
check out my latest post ya
Flickering Moonlight
yay for cotton ink!
lu temennya di monash yah? hihi
have a nice weekend :)
it's actually a local market in medan dear. yeah they have such pretty cool stuffs there! :3
lalita: thankyou right back! tgl 26 juni :) will you come?
suci: okedeh, i'll confirm things up n tell you soon!
lexy: aw thanks lex :)
michelle: thanks chel :D
inge: ooh that's too bad, maybe next time?
nathalie: aw yeah thanks. i do agree with you, cotton ink is definitely rocking! :p
edwina: oh well that's too bad. sure2 next time, kay? good luck with everything anyway :)
fhen: thankyouuu
alviana: iyaaa hehehe
alexandra: thanks sweetie
steffi: your welcome :) oh wow, awesome!
shia-shia: thanks, dear. yeah so true! :)