today, i went to raffles to ask for a recommendation letter mentioning about my ex-title, Event Organizer. it's for my lovely cv.
yes, i'm planning to work on this holiday, but then, where huh?
i've only got a month and most of the workplace opens part timer for min 3months time.
still thinking and would very appreciate if you kindly tell me any info about it :D
anyway, the pics of icha and ichi are ready, but i'm too lazy to post them today. tomorrow yea?
so, stay tune kay love?

yes, i'm planning to work on this holiday, but then, where huh?
i've only got a month and most of the workplace opens part timer for min 3months time.
still thinking and would very appreciate if you kindly tell me any info about it :D
well, after that i went to jason's house and played PARAMPAA! it's a very clever (yet idiot) game. it's kinda confusing though, but we cheated along the way. still, we haven't gotten to finish the last level hahaha. very stupid, eh?
anyway, the pics of icha and ichi are ready, but i'm too lazy to post them today. tomorrow yea?
so, stay tune kay love?
err, again it's kinda stupid, i'm lazy to post icha and ichi pics but then i posted my pics.
duh, i'm so narcist. lol.
well, see you tomorrow then :)
duh, i'm so narcist. lol.
well, see you tomorrow then :)

Flickering Moonlight
aaw thanks! you too!
sure2! is it ok to link you as edwina?
wanna exchange link or follow each other ? if u don't mind .
visit back anytime, :D
thanks for stopping by :)
follow my blog if you want to
thanks for ur comment on my blog :)
hey, i like playing Parampaa too!
ms Gee: aww thanks a lot
edwina: i've linked you back! :D
adiss: hahaha yea parampaa is pretty fun, right? :p
anyway.pernah tnya cara bkin pita gede itu kan? itu bikinnya dr kertas kado,trs d bejek2 aj jadi kesannya ud lecek.trs d bikin pita kyk biasa.klo dress itu topshop.maap ya lama balesnya ..
i just follow your blog.if you don't mind,you can follow back my blog..
thanks :)