random stuffs
gilaaa, count me in as a huge fans of fx! td, gue jadi jalan sama temen sd gue n discussed tentang reuni kita. gue amazed banget sama design interior fx! (i've been there twice, tp tetep kagum!) keknya, gue gak bosen2nya ngeliat kanan kiri. hahaha. anyway, there're new shops just about to open, and skali lagi, interior nya -yg di deket shop, unique bgt! i can't stop staring at the walls and floors. gue juga ga henti2nya, minta fotoin tmn gue haha. ini nih, beberapa contohnya :

sartob: t-shirt- disneyland,hkg; pants- mangdu; shoes- mongkok,hkg; bag- mom's; leopard glasses- citos; bangles- mangdu n bali
dhea: t-shirt- java jazz; skirt- her room (i have the same one ;p); shoes- lamandau (i bought it with her); the rest- i don't know
well, after walking around and refreshing my eyeballs, we went to xxi and watched FAST AND FURIOUS FOUR, omg, yg namanya van diesel kereennn abiiissss!!!!! filmnya oke, tp awal2nya agak lebay sih. but, overall, i LOVE it!
another random topic will be;
pernah denger cewek philippine, aged 16 yg punya suara emas? gue terbelalak ngeliat si charice ini nyanyi bareng celine dion and suaranya booo..... astaga... gue mpe merinding ga berhenti2 ampe lagunya abis, well, siap buat ikut merinding? you gotta watch this :
well, that's all for today. ciao!
sartob: t-shirt- disneyland,hkg; pants- mangdu; shoes- mongkok,hkg; bag- mom's; leopard glasses- citos; bangles- mangdu n bali
dhea: t-shirt- java jazz; skirt- her room (i have the same one ;p); shoes- lamandau (i bought it with her); the rest- i don't know
well, after walking around and refreshing my eyeballs, we went to xxi and watched FAST AND FURIOUS FOUR, omg, yg namanya van diesel kereennn abiiissss!!!!! filmnya oke, tp awal2nya agak lebay sih. but, overall, i LOVE it!
another random topic will be;
pernah denger cewek philippine, aged 16 yg punya suara emas? gue terbelalak ngeliat si charice ini nyanyi bareng celine dion and suaranya booo..... astaga... gue mpe merinding ga berhenti2 ampe lagunya abis, well, siap buat ikut merinding? you gotta watch this :
well, that's all for today. ciao!