holiday day day

huhuu... it's been like ages since i wrote my last post.

well, sorry guys, blm sempet2 jg gw post graduation n prom pictures :(
tiba2 terkena virus males berat, soalnya upload nya lama, komp nya nge hang mlulu... ya... bgtlah...
trus, my cam got stolen by my own dad!
tiba2 ngilang gt dr kamar gue, pas udh panik berat, mbak blg
"dipinjem bapak, non. dibawa ke medan..."
yeah, right...
jadi, makin gbs upload foto deh haha

so, what was i busy doing currently?

rapat reuni, yg sbntar lg bakal di held di sd pl, OYA GUYS

pls come to our reunion party
6 PM - 8 PM
FEE: 80RB (transfer to BCA 2181543070, jo reiner)
or 100RB on the spot
inform me asap, hrs booking makan :)

rapat 3d0, n problems keep coming gara2 adek kls rese ga becus ngerjain tugasnya.
should i mention your name here? urgh!

2. watching dvds
ga ada kerjaan... yah, minjem dvd dari sono-sini lah haha. soalnya dvd skrg lg kurang mutu haha. oh iya, kmrn i just watched terminator. good story tp, trlalu menegangkan, jadi capek sndiri nontonnya haha. oh oh oh, gue juga lagi sring banget nongkrongin youtube bwt nonton, BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS, gue emg fans nya film korea n cina. trs tiba2 tmn gue blg, nntn BBF keren deh. yaudah, gw tonton... eh bgs rupanya... ntar deh gue mau ngbrl lebih detail ttg BBF in the next post :)

3. nge-gym
hihi. well, this one is quite embarrassing to say, tp gw mau kurus! gw pny tekad, so, knp malu? haha
yes, gw nge gym di dkt rmh gw pake PT tentunya. soalny kl ngg, pasti keteteran haha. trs, tnyata PT gw itu pernah ngajar nadine, marcel, n mischa chandrawinata! haha. n he's also one of the famous binaragawan (gt bkn sih nulisnya?). trs, dia adalah omnya patton idola cilik 2 (haha, yg ini ga penting).

well, gue masih pengen nuliisssss... tp gatau mw nulis apa lg :p
so, enough deh :)


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