prom dress disaster!
yes, tomorrow is D-DAY n suddenly everything just went wrong!!!
msh inget baju prom gw yg pernah gw post before?
kan itu kyk di kasih mute2 (or whatever lah namanya),
and hasilnya...
i was so dissapointed like i could cry anytime.
keseelll bgt n rasanya nyeseelll bgt jg!
tapi, akhirnya td krn msh ada spare time,
gue pergi ke pp ke charles n keith (my favourite shop ever!)
and found these gorgeous shoes!
there're two of them, and i couldn't make a choice
so finally, i choose the wedges one.
the colour is black n pretty comfy.
trus i also bought a simple yet cute belt
n the colour is also black
oh gosh, i heart black!
tapi tapi tapi,
i still can't choose between these pretty dresses nih guys,
could you pls pls help me?
tlg pilihin sepatunya juga ya :)
thaannkkss a lot folks!
oooh, anyway,
prom kali ini emg bkin org stress...
temen2 gue jg bnyk yg kerepotan gara2 dress :)
n cerita2nya yang kocak
1. gaby
waktu dressnya mau dikecilin, eh oli dr mesin jahitnya tumpah!
unfortunately, olinya gak mau ilang!
n akhirnya dia beli yg baru di topshop
tp siih, barusan dia sms gue blg tht she's gonna use her original dress :)
2. sara
gatau knp, but i think, she's the most cuek girl
baru cari dress hari ini malem!
which besok = prom! haha dadakan bener bu
3. cherryn
ceritanya plg menyedihkan :(
kan mamanya tuh kyk punya toko baju gitu
trus dia jadinya bikin sm tukang jait mamanya
design nya dia sih wkt di kertas bagus...
tp, hasilnya ga memuaskan
ada kawat2 gt yg annoying trs...
yah bgtlah,
turut sedih ya cher
4. tara
tdnya dia mw pake a simple black dress
yg MUIRIIIIPPP BGTT! sm dressnya yg prom kmrn
cm beda2 dikit
eh trnyata mamanya nyadar jg
kalo ini tuh prom terakhirnya dia
so her mom bought her a new cool dress
which i really loovveee
and it just looks perfect on her
i'm sure that
she's gonna win the best dress (best transformation)
hehe. go tara!
hahaha. prom prom prom...
bikin pusing aja deh kamuu...
oohh, almost forget,
when i went to pacific place,
i was amazed by this yupi thingy,
jadi, kyk ada patung2 gitu
dibuat dari yupi,
pas gw liat dr jauh, kyk ga percaya gt
pas gw liat dr deket...
lgsg "wth?"
bnyk bgt yupi nya ditumpuk

kreatif, unik, lucu
tp... sayangg...
mending duit buat bkin yupi nya
dibagi ke rakyat miskin...
kan sama aja buang2 makanan
ya gak ya gak?
okedeh, tidur dulu ya tmn2
eh, jgn lupa,
ksh comment ttg bajunya
n help me to choose!
msh inget baju prom gw yg pernah gw post before?
kan itu kyk di kasih mute2 (or whatever lah namanya),
and hasilnya...
i was so dissapointed like i could cry anytime.
keseelll bgt n rasanya nyeseelll bgt jg!
tapi, akhirnya td krn msh ada spare time,
gue pergi ke pp ke charles n keith (my favourite shop ever!)
and found these gorgeous shoes!
there're two of them, and i couldn't make a choice
so finally, i choose the wedges one.
the colour is black n pretty comfy.
trus i also bought a simple yet cute belt
n the colour is also black
oh gosh, i heart black!
tapi tapi tapi,
i still can't choose between these pretty dresses nih guys,
could you pls pls help me?
tlg pilihin sepatunya juga ya :)
thaannkkss a lot folks!
oooh, anyway,
prom kali ini emg bkin org stress...
temen2 gue jg bnyk yg kerepotan gara2 dress :)
n cerita2nya yang kocak
1. gaby
waktu dressnya mau dikecilin, eh oli dr mesin jahitnya tumpah!
unfortunately, olinya gak mau ilang!
n akhirnya dia beli yg baru di topshop
tp siih, barusan dia sms gue blg tht she's gonna use her original dress :)
2. sara
gatau knp, but i think, she's the most cuek girl
baru cari dress hari ini malem!
which besok = prom! haha dadakan bener bu
3. cherryn
ceritanya plg menyedihkan :(
kan mamanya tuh kyk punya toko baju gitu
trus dia jadinya bikin sm tukang jait mamanya
design nya dia sih wkt di kertas bagus...
tp, hasilnya ga memuaskan
ada kawat2 gt yg annoying trs...
yah bgtlah,
turut sedih ya cher
4. tara
tdnya dia mw pake a simple black dress
yg MUIRIIIIPPP BGTT! sm dressnya yg prom kmrn
cm beda2 dikit
eh trnyata mamanya nyadar jg
kalo ini tuh prom terakhirnya dia
so her mom bought her a new cool dress
which i really loovveee
and it just looks perfect on her
i'm sure that
she's gonna win the best dress (best transformation)
hehe. go tara!
hahaha. prom prom prom...
bikin pusing aja deh kamuu...
oohh, almost forget,
when i went to pacific place,
i was amazed by this yupi thingy,
jadi, kyk ada patung2 gitu
dibuat dari yupi,
pas gw liat dr jauh, kyk ga percaya gt
pas gw liat dr deket...
lgsg "wth?"
bnyk bgt yupi nya ditumpuk
kreatif, unik, lucu
tp... sayangg...
mending duit buat bkin yupi nya
dibagi ke rakyat miskin...
kan sama aja buang2 makanan
ya gak ya gak?
okedeh, tidur dulu ya tmn2
eh, jgn lupa,
ksh comment ttg bajunya
n help me to choose!
cherryn has chosen dress A
how about you?
DRESS absolutely A
spatu yg charles n keith
dress A
sepupu ku jg di BM soalnya n prom nya Jumat
absolutely glowing!
ooh ga nit :)
mgkn jam nya sama tp tmptnya pisah :)
emg bm prom dimana?
ohiyaiya, gue baru ingt.
pacarnya tmn gue jg ank smp bm, dia jg prom barengan raffles :)
thx dela :)