just need one more A
igcse results has been distributed...
and my results are quite ok.
good enough but not satisfactory.
business studies: B
accounting: A
economics: A
art and design: C
biology: D
english: B
math: A
eerrgh, biology nya disturbing banget! haha.
yah, ga heran lah,
biology nya susah parah, n i hate science :)
business studies nya jg! aahh, kalo A, i'll get 5 distinctions! -additional bahasa indonesia haha
art n design oke lah... soalnya yg plg tinggi aje si master jalu ktny cm dpt B
emg susah sih bwt dpt high marks in art :(
english: b... yah, alright lah
accounting, agak dissapointed, as i hoped for a* mark. but, it's ok lah. at least i still got an a.
math: a, i was like "really?" my previous math's grade was c, so, it was improving after all :)
yah overall, oke lah, dngn niat belajar gue yg seupil, tiap hari kalo mw igcse slalu bk internet n telfonan sm cherryn;
"udh blajar blm?"
"blm, lo?"
"hahaha, lo nanya gue?"
yah, pokoknya intinya, gue n cher emg MUALESSS bgt haha.
pas wkt udh dibagiin resultsnya n cher jg dpt nilai oke2
"gile, kt bs dpt segini, pdhl kerjanya nelfonan terus tob"
"iyoii, gimana kl kt belajar ya? kyk jope kali nilainya"
"hahaha. iya deh lain kali hahaha"
anyway, congrats to my dearest jope and yo han.
they got 9 DISTINCTIONS, which means 9 As, with some A*s
they're NUTS!
and, congrats to my papih, joshua
he got 7 dis. woooww, i'm so proud of you, dad!
bye n cheers!
and my results are quite ok.
good enough but not satisfactory.
business studies: B
accounting: A
economics: A
art and design: C
biology: D
english: B
math: A
eerrgh, biology nya disturbing banget! haha.
yah, ga heran lah,
biology nya susah parah, n i hate science :)
business studies nya jg! aahh, kalo A, i'll get 5 distinctions! -additional bahasa indonesia haha
art n design oke lah... soalnya yg plg tinggi aje si master jalu ktny cm dpt B
emg susah sih bwt dpt high marks in art :(
english: b... yah, alright lah
accounting, agak dissapointed, as i hoped for a* mark. but, it's ok lah. at least i still got an a.
math: a, i was like "really?" my previous math's grade was c, so, it was improving after all :)
yah overall, oke lah, dngn niat belajar gue yg seupil, tiap hari kalo mw igcse slalu bk internet n telfonan sm cherryn;
"udh blajar blm?"
"blm, lo?"
"hahaha, lo nanya gue?"
yah, pokoknya intinya, gue n cher emg MUALESSS bgt haha.
pas wkt udh dibagiin resultsnya n cher jg dpt nilai oke2
"gile, kt bs dpt segini, pdhl kerjanya nelfonan terus tob"
"iyoii, gimana kl kt belajar ya? kyk jope kali nilainya"
"hahaha. iya deh lain kali hahaha"
anyway, congrats to my dearest jope and yo han.
they got 9 DISTINCTIONS, which means 9 As, with some A*s
they're NUTS!
and, congrats to my papih, joshua
he got 7 dis. woooww, i'm so proud of you, dad!
bye n cheers!