up up away
ha ha ha
baru beberapa hari gue ga nge post, gue udh lupa caranya how to make an "entrance"
well, to the point aje ye.
so, early in the morning, i heard someone's laughing so loud
"huh? who the hell is that?"
i saw cherryn was still sleeping, so, who else would laugh like that ?
"heh? sopo ya? emak?"
oh yeah, i remembered, my mom went home yesterday at midnight from padang!
"maaammcceeeee!" i ran downstairs and gave her a big hug
"eh gendutan ya?"
"yaaah~ begitulah"
she told her story from padang, and it was really fun.
she went to different places with beautiful scenes.
and, she ate a LOT (beneran banyak)
oh geez, that's why she's getting heavier
trus, cherryn n i went to gym and had a short fitness lesson :p
hm, yah, pokoknya begitulah,
no details needed :p
abis pulang, tiba2, jreng jreng
my whole family (frm my mom's side) was there,
"loh ada apa nih?"
"mau ngecobain itu, makanan dr padang"
"kan mama bw makanan bnyk beneerr, emg sengaja mw dibagi2in haha. buruan mandi sana"
so, singkat cerita,
gw mandi, trs beres2 and...
dr padang tentunya :p
aw aw aw
perut gue sampe mules gt :p hahaha, tp, enak kok (rasanya).
lalu, gw n cherryn cabut ke pim.
tentunya beli komik :p
trs, ketemu jason buat dijemput kevin ke grand indo (our private driver, canda2 :p)
lalu lalu, we met the others (sara, spencer, hari, iyeng)
and watched UP (not the 3D one, coz it was darn expensive, 100rb coy)

quick summary:
ceritanya sangatlah simpel. so, there was a little boy (very cute, i must say), had a dream to reach south america, apa fall gt namanya, kl ga salah sih heaven fall, sry kl salah yaw (lupa hehe), trs dia ktmu cewe, yg akhirnya jd istrinya n promised to go there together. tp pas mereka pun udh tua, n when his wife dead, dia liat "adventure book" nya mrka gt, trs bertekad to go to heaven fall itu alone. oya, his name is carl fredricksen.
how? simply by tied up thousands of balloons to his house, trus udh deh. terbang tuh rmh.
yah, trs in his journey, dia ketemu kyk pendatang2 gt.
overall, ceritanya KOCAK, bodoh, n kartun bgt. masa, opa2 umur 78 taon bs ngangkut rumah kyk ga ada beban gt?
hahahaha tp, kocaklah.
trs rada klasik emang, tp oke lah buat ditonton brg sodara yg kecil2 haha.
trs, agak sedih, i did cry a bit,
tp ya, rada standard lah. cuma, bgs sih (loh, mksdnya apa ?)
sbenrnya yg paling bikin gw jatuh cinta sm nih film adalah, soundtracknya.
simpel bgt loh padahal, cm si composer nya, Michael Giacchino bikin tu lagu dlm versi berbeda2, tp ttp enak! aduh, sk bgt sama lagunya :(
then, after watching up, we decided to eat at burger king, unfortunately cherryn had to go home, mw ada nikahan soalnya.
lalu, kt ke taman menteng, trs bngung di jln. udah deh. hahaha.
tp yg pas di taman menteng, yg di mobil kevin rada goblok isinya.
apalagi gue sang pencetus ide, kt pake cara bodoh ke taman menteng, yaitu: mundur
hahaha. yah, pokoknya hanya gue, kevin, jason, dan Tuhan yg tau haha :p
*sartob :)
baru beberapa hari gue ga nge post, gue udh lupa caranya how to make an "entrance"
well, to the point aje ye.
so, early in the morning, i heard someone's laughing so loud
"huh? who the hell is that?"
i saw cherryn was still sleeping, so, who else would laugh like that ?
"heh? sopo ya? emak?"
oh yeah, i remembered, my mom went home yesterday at midnight from padang!
"maaammcceeeee!" i ran downstairs and gave her a big hug
"eh gendutan ya?"
"yaaah~ begitulah"
she told her story from padang, and it was really fun.
she went to different places with beautiful scenes.
and, she ate a LOT (beneran banyak)
oh geez, that's why she's getting heavier
trus, cherryn n i went to gym and had a short fitness lesson :p
hm, yah, pokoknya begitulah,
no details needed :p
abis pulang, tiba2, jreng jreng
my whole family (frm my mom's side) was there,
"loh ada apa nih?"
"mau ngecobain itu, makanan dr padang"
"kan mama bw makanan bnyk beneerr, emg sengaja mw dibagi2in haha. buruan mandi sana"
so, singkat cerita,
gw mandi, trs beres2 and...
dr padang tentunya :p
aw aw aw
perut gue sampe mules gt :p hahaha, tp, enak kok (rasanya).
lalu, gw n cherryn cabut ke pim.
tentunya beli komik :p
trs, ketemu jason buat dijemput kevin ke grand indo (our private driver, canda2 :p)
lalu lalu, we met the others (sara, spencer, hari, iyeng)
and watched UP (not the 3D one, coz it was darn expensive, 100rb coy)

quick summary:
ceritanya sangatlah simpel. so, there was a little boy (very cute, i must say), had a dream to reach south america, apa fall gt namanya, kl ga salah sih heaven fall, sry kl salah yaw (lupa hehe), trs dia ktmu cewe, yg akhirnya jd istrinya n promised to go there together. tp pas mereka pun udh tua, n when his wife dead, dia liat "adventure book" nya mrka gt, trs bertekad to go to heaven fall itu alone. oya, his name is carl fredricksen.
how? simply by tied up thousands of balloons to his house, trus udh deh. terbang tuh rmh.
yah, trs in his journey, dia ketemu kyk pendatang2 gt.
overall, ceritanya KOCAK, bodoh, n kartun bgt. masa, opa2 umur 78 taon bs ngangkut rumah kyk ga ada beban gt?
hahahaha tp, kocaklah.
trs rada klasik emang, tp oke lah buat ditonton brg sodara yg kecil2 haha.
trs, agak sedih, i did cry a bit,
tp ya, rada standard lah. cuma, bgs sih (loh, mksdnya apa ?)
sbenrnya yg paling bikin gw jatuh cinta sm nih film adalah, soundtracknya.
simpel bgt loh padahal, cm si composer nya, Michael Giacchino bikin tu lagu dlm versi berbeda2, tp ttp enak! aduh, sk bgt sama lagunya :(
salah satu contoh lagunya :)
then, after watching up, we decided to eat at burger king, unfortunately cherryn had to go home, mw ada nikahan soalnya.
lalu, kt ke taman menteng, trs bngung di jln. udah deh. hahaha.
tp yg pas di taman menteng, yg di mobil kevin rada goblok isinya.
apalagi gue sang pencetus ide, kt pake cara bodoh ke taman menteng, yaitu: mundur
hahaha. yah, pokoknya hanya gue, kevin, jason, dan Tuhan yg tau haha :p
*sartob :)