igcse update- math is over!

thank God, math papers are finally over!!!

i think paper 4 was quite easier than p2
but, im stiil feeling not so sure that i'll get good scores :(
p4 tadi sih much much easier than the other p4s (time-trials)
tapi, probability and last questionnya were quite tough
n walopun gampang, tetep hrs ekstra hati2 biar ga bikin careless mistakes (like what i always did, hihi)

sekarang my main focus goes to econs paper.
huaaaa, banyak bgt yg masih blom hafal n dgn santainya gue ngeblog :p
gila, niat belajar gue ngungsi kemana sih?
i got so lazy lately
bener2 males ga karuan, sampe buka buku aja ga sanggup (lebay :D)
haduh, mana besok biology practical lg.
cuih cuih. i hate bio the most
ga penting tau gak sih?
dan setiap gw blajar pun gak guna! dpt jelek mlulu sih
haha, hadooh, bener2 gatau mo nulis apa lg.

got to sleep everyone,
sleep tight,
nice dream,



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