technology drives us mad
hey everyone,
i almost forget to tell you guys,
i just got a new phone, today!
it's nokia E63 (blackberry look-alike)

peeps might asked
why don't i just buy blackberry instead?
first reason;
pasaran abis, even mas2 spg punya blackberry
second reason;
udah pw sm nokia, i've been using it for years
third reason;
kalo pake bb, bakal ketergantungan (internetnya unlimited sih)
yah, bb gak sepenuhnya jelek sih
there're always pros n cons
anyway, sejarah hp gue cukup panjang loh :p
gue udh kehilangan hp, sekitar 12 kali (kalo gak salah, ato 11 ya?)
haha,yes, i was so careless
even i had lost my wallets 2 times in a week.
yg plg memorable adalah hp pda motorola yg plg gue taksir (jmn dulu kn jmn pda gt)
i handled it with much care and love
i really put myself into it
pokoknya super duper sayang deh
until one day, i suddenly realized it just lost
it's gone nowhere
and it only lasted for 3 weeks
how sad it is, huh?
walopun udh sering ngilangin hp,
gue agak bingung jg knp bokap gue msh aja beliin gue hp
pdhl, my mom refused to buy me a new phone,
every time i lost one.
tp, yah, i still got one
how lucky :)
my last phone was nokia N76

sampe skrg masih ada sih
gamau dijual soalnya udh sayang n pw bgt
it's been living with me for almost two years
hp terlama n tercinta
yah, moga2 dgn kehadiran hp baru
i won't forget you yah darl,
i'll give much kisses later on
muach muach hehe
don't you think that handphone has became one of your bestest friends?
kyknya, you can't live without it
tp, don't you realize that it slowly change the way you live?
bikin lo addicted and it's actually no good loh
gue pribadi sih emg gak bisa hidup tanpa hp
ga bisa hidup sama yg namanya ga ada komunikasi
tp, one day, my hp got confiscated coz i was using it in class
and i lived without hp for 5 days
and, guess what?
i can survive loh
jadi, don't let technology control your life
i believe that everyone can drive their own paths
without contributing the latest technology
yes, it helps us in some ways
tapi, jgn jadi ketagihan n ngelupain smua
contoh: kyk kt ka roy wkt itu
"bb bisa ngebuat yg jauh jadi dekat,
tp yg dekat jadi jauh"
well yeah, i admit that it's actually true
in fact, kt smua emg ga sadar,
kalo terlalu bermain di dunia maya
kita jadi lupa sama sekeliling kita
bener kan?
i'm not talking bullshit kan?
hahahaha, sorry for the preach ya guys
btw, no offense yah
gue sebenernya cuma mau ngingetin aja
gak bermaksud mw nyindir ato apa
oh iya, gue jg mw offer you a challenge
sebenernya it's for your own good
tp buat lucu2an juga,
gw nantang siapapun lo diluar sana
berapa lama (detik/menit/jam/hari/bulan/taun)
lo bisa ga sentuh hp sekalipun
which means, bener2 ga pegang
gue udh bikin rekor 5 hari,
kalo gue bisa pasti lo jg bs,
ada yg berminat ngalahin rekor gue?
pls share smuanya di comment ini ya:)
kan seru bisa berbagi cerita
well, time to bobokzzz
bye everyone,
have a nice day, or weekends
(fyi, tomorrow is holiday!)

peeps might asked
why don't i just buy blackberry instead?
first reason;
pasaran abis, even mas2 spg punya blackberry
second reason;
udah pw sm nokia, i've been using it for years
third reason;
kalo pake bb, bakal ketergantungan (internetnya unlimited sih)
yah, bb gak sepenuhnya jelek sih
there're always pros n cons
anyway, sejarah hp gue cukup panjang loh :p
gue udh kehilangan hp, sekitar 12 kali (kalo gak salah, ato 11 ya?)
haha,yes, i was so careless
even i had lost my wallets 2 times in a week.
yg plg memorable adalah hp pda motorola yg plg gue taksir (jmn dulu kn jmn pda gt)
i handled it with much care and love
i really put myself into it
pokoknya super duper sayang deh
until one day, i suddenly realized it just lost
it's gone nowhere
and it only lasted for 3 weeks
how sad it is, huh?
walopun udh sering ngilangin hp,
gue agak bingung jg knp bokap gue msh aja beliin gue hp
pdhl, my mom refused to buy me a new phone,
every time i lost one.
tp, yah, i still got one
how lucky :)
my last phone was nokia N76

sampe skrg masih ada sih
gamau dijual soalnya udh sayang n pw bgt
it's been living with me for almost two years
hp terlama n tercinta
yah, moga2 dgn kehadiran hp baru
i won't forget you yah darl,
i'll give much kisses later on
muach muach hehe
don't you think that handphone has became one of your bestest friends?
kyknya, you can't live without it
tp, don't you realize that it slowly change the way you live?
bikin lo addicted and it's actually no good loh
gue pribadi sih emg gak bisa hidup tanpa hp
ga bisa hidup sama yg namanya ga ada komunikasi
tp, one day, my hp got confiscated coz i was using it in class
and i lived without hp for 5 days
and, guess what?
i can survive loh
jadi, don't let technology control your life
i believe that everyone can drive their own paths
without contributing the latest technology
yes, it helps us in some ways
tapi, jgn jadi ketagihan n ngelupain smua
contoh: kyk kt ka roy wkt itu
"bb bisa ngebuat yg jauh jadi dekat,
tp yg dekat jadi jauh"
well yeah, i admit that it's actually true
in fact, kt smua emg ga sadar,
kalo terlalu bermain di dunia maya
kita jadi lupa sama sekeliling kita
bener kan?
i'm not talking bullshit kan?
hahahaha, sorry for the preach ya guys
btw, no offense yah
gue sebenernya cuma mau ngingetin aja
gak bermaksud mw nyindir ato apa
oh iya, gue jg mw offer you a challenge
sebenernya it's for your own good
tp buat lucu2an juga,
gw nantang siapapun lo diluar sana
berapa lama (detik/menit/jam/hari/bulan/taun)
lo bisa ga sentuh hp sekalipun
which means, bener2 ga pegang
gue udh bikin rekor 5 hari,
kalo gue bisa pasti lo jg bs,
ada yg berminat ngalahin rekor gue?
pls share smuanya di comment ini ya:)
kan seru bisa berbagi cerita
well, time to bobokzzz
bye everyone,
have a nice day, or weekends
(fyi, tomorrow is holiday!)
thanks for the visit dear(: